
Morphologic and morphometric study of the adductor canal in Korean: Its clinical significance

Yanguk Heo1,2,Sung Min Nam1,2, Hyung-Sun Won1,2*, Yeon-Dong Kim2,3*

1Department of Anatomy, Wonkwang University School of Medicine

2Jesaeng-Euise Clinical Anatomy Center, Wonkwang University School of Medicine

3Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Wonkwang University School of Medicine

Introduction: The aim of this study was to clarify the morphologic and morphometric characteristics of the adductor canal in Korean for the effective management of saphenous entrapment neuropathy.

Materials and Methods: Fifty thighs from 25 embalmed Korean adult cadavers were used for this study. A baseline was determined for the measurements, which was a line connecting from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the midpoint of the patellar base. All of the target points were perpendicularly measured from the baseline.

Results: The length of a baseline, a line from the ASIS to midpoint of the patellar base, was 42.7¡¾2.1 cm. The inferior apex of femoral triangle was 25.3¡¾2.2 cm distal to the ASIS on a baseline and was located 5.3¡¾1.0 cm perpendicular to that point. The midpoint of superior border of vasoto-adductor membrane (VAM) was 27.4¡¾2.0 cm distal to the ASIS on a baseline and was located 5.0¡¾1.1 cm perpendicular to that point. The anterior foramen of adductor canal was 33.8¡¾2.3 cm distal to the ASIS on a baseline and was located 5.5¡¾1.2 cm perpendicular to that point. The uppermost point of adductor hiatus was 36.0¡¾2.3 cm distal to the ASIS on a baseline and was located 4.9¡¾1.1 cm perpendicular to that point. The VAM was trapezoidal shape with a long upper border, and was connected as an aponeurosis between the medial edge of the vastus medialis muscle and the lateral edge of the adductor magnus muscle. In ultrasound image, the VAM was seen as the hyperechoic area connecting the vastus medialis muscle and the adductor magnus muscle between the sartorius muscle and the femoral artery. The nerve to vastus medialis penetrated the vastus medialis muscle at the proximal to the superior border of VAM in 70% of the specimens.

Conclusion: The results of this study will help physicians to understanding exact anatomic structure related adductor canal. Moreover, it will provide useful information for the effective adductor canal block.

Keywords: Adductor canal, Pain, Nerve block, Ultrasound, Vasto-adductor membrane